As a way to kick off this blog I figured it’d be fitting to introduce it and its purpose. I decided to start this blog to showcase parts of my work in ways that I may not be able to fully convey with art alone. It’s one thing to see a finished piece in a vacuum or even in a series of similar artworks but it can be difficult to show all of the thought and work that goes into making that. This brings me to the primary series of posts Ill be putting on here which Im titling “Design Thinking”. In these little design thinking posts I’ll have an opportunity to share process work that led up to the final artworks I choose to display in my portfolio. This could include initial sketches, writing, detail call outs, and what inspired the creation of these artworks.
Now while the Design Thinking posts are the main thing I’m planning to post I figured this blog would also be a good place to show off stuff that didn’t make it to the portfolio, things I’m learning, and whatever else I’d like to share. For example I really enjoy designing book covers for whatever Im reading at the time. At the time of writing this I dont have any big plans to include them in my portfolio but they’re still fun to do and I enjoy talking about them as well.